Product Description
Possible measurements:
- Measurements according to EN 50160
- Measures and Records According to the IEX 61000-4-30 Standard Class A
- Active, reactive, apparent energy.
- Power factor.
- Harmonics for voltage and current.
- Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for voltage and current.
- Short-term (P ) and long-term (P ) flicker,
- Unbalance of voltage and current.
- Current events detection including waveforms recording.
- Current and voltage events recording with waveforms (up to 1s) and RMS 10 ms graphs with 30 s maximum recording time.
- Current and voltage waveforms recording after each averaging period.
- Voltage L1, L2, L3, N PE – average, minimum, maximum and instantaneous , to 760 V, ability to work with voltage transformers.
- Current L1, L2, L3, N (four inputs) – average, minimum, maximum and instantaneous values, measurement current with range to 3 kA (depends on used clamp), ability to work with current transformers.
- Frequency from 40 Hz to 70 Hz.
- Active, apparent power, the type of reactive power (capacitive, inductive)
- Mains signaling up to 3000 Hz.
- Transients up to ±6000 V with max. sampling frequency 10 MHz. Minimal transient time is 650 ns.